Prior to the online world we had billboards, street posters and newspaper ads. Then we had TV and radio, with social media being the next evolution. Social media is an incredibly effective marketing tool that you need in your arsenal. Navigating it really is like riding a bike – it can feel a bit wobbly at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun!
Just like spending too much time on Netflix or having too many beers on the weekend, social media is awesome in small doses but we definitely acknowledge that we have to be mindful of overuse. This simple guide should help you on your way to online success whilst still keeping your sanity in check!
1 – The 3 W’s.
Why am I posting this?
Who do I want to see it?
What is my message?
The first golden rule: If you can answer the 3 W’s, post away!
2 – Show off! You’re amazing, and the world needs a bit more of you in it.
It can feel awkward at first, but self promotion online is a key part of the process. You’ve spent time creating incredible music, be proud and tell the world!
Post links to your song, snippets of your video, behind-the-scenes photos and videos of how you created your art and tell people about your story. Bring people into the journey and shine like the diamond you are.
Tip: the first point of call for promoters, radio presenters and media outlets to find out more about you is your social media, so make sure you really are putting your best foot forward.
3 – Be authentic.
Authentic: /ɔːˈθɛntɪk/
Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.
“Authentic” has become a bit of a buzzword in marketing, but it’s an ideology that if adapted, will help you on your journey to success in every avenue of promotion. Being an artist is vulnerable – you wear your heart on your sleeve every time you release a song. The authenticity of your journey is what will see you draw the masses and truly, authentic people stand (and are trusted more) out on social media.
4 – Be part of the conversation.
If you invite people over for dinner, it’d be rude to not talk to them. Social media is the same. If people are liking and following your pages, make them feel appreciated, welcome them in and put the kettle on! That warm, fuzzy feeling will convert peeping-toms into fans!
Social media no longer displays a chronological newsfeed, so you’ve gotta’ make friends with the algorithm to make sure you appear at the top of people’s feed. On any platform, if you post and you aren’t interacting with your newsfeed and engaging in conversation with the people who comment on your posts, the alorighm dude puts a red mark next to your name. If you post and you use the platform in the way it was intended to be used, you get a gold star and are pushed further up the queue. Content is queen and engagement is king!
5 – Don’t give up
Imagine the 18-month old version of you deciding to not try walking ever again because you feel over the first time. Consistency is key and practice makes perfect. Schedule out your posts, set alarms on your phone around release time to be present on social media, spend 15 minutes a day interacting with hashtags and your newsfeed and in time, the results will show. We promise :).