Jurassic release impassioned & spirited debut EP ‘Stolen Time’

Blistering & raw, Jurassic are today releasing their debut EP ‘Stolen Time. A combination of five visceral punk & rock influenced tracks that act a catalyst for the band’s explosion from Melbourne locals to Australian rock upstarts.

New track ‘Let Go’ is a no-holds-barred cry for help, in a battle for recognition & to be heard. ‘Call Home’ channels forefathers Violent Soho, Dear Seattle & Loser to scream & shout about those moments of feeling like you belong. Joined by previous single ‘Seeker’, ‘Stolen Time’ & ‘Consider’, the EP ‘Stolen Time’ marks the band’s first, full body of work & a springboard for the remainder of their year.

Raw and visceral, Jurassic’s debut EP ‘Stolen Time’ is one that combines the frustration, denial and heartbreak of the previous two years, with tinged moments of hope, and ultimately acceptance, throughout the blistering arrangement of tracks. Formed, written & recorded over a period of three years, Jurassic have tweaked and tuned each line of every song to create the EP as a polished & refined collation of their collective efforts.

“From the day Robbie and myself had our first ever jam, to Angelo and Lachy joining the group along the way, to where we are currently, the songs in this EP represent our journey over the last few years as both individuals and as a band. I think I can speak for us all when I say we’re beyond excited to share this collection of songs with the world. It’s the next natural step for us as musicians and it feels like the best time for us to bring it out.”
Jakob Nicolandos, Jurassic

“The EP is a perfect snapshot of how lifes been for us in the last couple years. I think there’s definitely a common narrative flowing throughout the whole thing. I guess the word “overcoming” comes to my mind. And at the end of the day they’re some energetic rock songs that are heaps of fun to play live. We’re so keen to do so at our upcoming shows! We can’t wait to see you, Jurassic family!”
Robbie Jamieson, Jurassic

Stolen Time

Recording out of Hole & Corners Studio in South Melbourne, the band linked up with renowned producer Jon Grace (Dune Rats, Dear Seattle, Kingswood) again to record the track and subsequent EP, finding themselves energized to write, create & record after a prolonged absence that saw days, weeks & months inside for all Melbournites. Mastered by Samuel K Sproul (Eliza & The Delusionals, Japanese Wallpaper, TOWNS), the Melbourne local provided the finishing touch & polish to the track.

“We recorded this EP in stages between lockdowns, bandmates getting COVID and all kinds of madness but managed to pull it together finally. We’re so stoked to be able to get our debut EP out to the world. Some of these tracks were written years ago so it’s been a long time coming. We had plenty of time in between studio sessions to hone in and perfect our parts. There were many a voice memos traded between each other of various vocal lines or guitar solos etc. There must have been hundreds of the bloody things!”
Robbie Jamieson, Jurassic

Melbourne’s Jurassic are an act that continues to grow and prosper, with the band emerging as one to watch within the guitar-laden scene of Victoria.

Having shared stages with Loser, Private Function & FANGZ previously, the band have seen support begin to grow, with Spotify support on playlist ‘Local Noise’ for last single ‘Consider’, as well as air-time on triple j’s ‘Short. Fast. Loud’ & positive reviews from Declan Bryne of Australian music show ‘Home & Hosed’.

This additionally caught the attention of Australian label Domestic La La (Dear Seattle, West Thebarton, Teen Jesus & The Jean Teasers) who highlighted the band across their ‘Catch Of The Week’ segment.