beehive digital: Instagram, Hashtags…Salad?

Liz, our head of Digital Marketing and Social Strategy, breaks down three key updates happening in the digital world right now and offers some tips on how you can keep your own buzz strong!

There are so many updates and changes it’s often hard to keep track of – so this quick roundup is perfect reading length to length to get the buzz.

Instagram vs. Twitter

Instagram’s rumoured launch of a text-based app could see it become Twitter’s no. 1 rival – seemingly pouncing in a timely manner as Twitter shares continue to plummet. The Instagram update will encourage conversations and allow users to post up to 500 characters without any visual content and include hyperlinks. 

hashtags have left the chat 

It’s been a few years since hashtags went out of fashion and became the awkward bystander at the party, but did you know Instagram has over 60,000 key words that are banned from being used as hashtags, including #alone, #adulting, #besties, #elevator, #always and even #valentinesday?

Instead of spending 5 minutes writing your hashtags, spend it engaging with your newsfeed and we guarantee you’ll see better results! Think about it… when was the last time you actually clicked on a hashtag to discover content? We’ve said it before and we’ll say it a hundred times more, content is king and engagement is queen! Post, and then engage, and the algorithm will deliver!

While we’re here, #fyp and #foryoupage don’t work on TikTok, but relevant hashtags do! Try #newmusic instead of #fyp!

you don’t make friends with salad ads

When boosting or creating your next ad, consider using the video that looks as far away from an ad as a cucumber does from a tomato. If you want people to click the ‘listen now’ button, use the most raw, unfiltered footage you’ve got!

If it looks too much like an ad or looks too polished, these savvy social users will keep on scrollin’. If it looks like a Reel or a TikTok… you’ve got ’em in the bag!