Fever Pitch release alt-rock single ‘Escape’ 

Joining forces from their past project ‘After Touch’ (signed to UNFD, playing UNIFY Gathering and Yours and Owls festivals, touring nationally with acts such as The Story So Far), Jesse, Jordan, Jack and Marcus have decided to create a fresh start and sound, Fever Pitch releasing single ‘Escape’. 

Warming up to their self named, debut EP‘Escape’ showcases their incredible blend of indie rock with elements of funk and soul creating the perfect song to vibe along to.

The beautiful lyrical realism in this track brings to life the power of everyday warmth and intimacy, encouraging listeners to embrace the journey of love even though it can be a daunting experience.

“This is pretty much just a love song. It highlights the incredibly scary feeling being in a normal relationship can be at times. I really wanted this one song to be direct and sincere in its messaging after writing a bit more abstractly for the rest of the EP.

Thematically, I’m wanting this song to represent a return to normalcy (love as an overall concept being a lot more readily empathetic and broad than, say, someone living out an entire lifetime online and neglecting real world relationships with their family, which is what the preceding song on the EP is about) both within the tracklisting itself but also now that shows are happening again and people are allowed to be social again.” Marcus, Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch has been making a name for themselves within the local music scene with their dynamic sound for some time now. Previously known as ‘After Touch’ the band had successes gaining triple J rotation on their single ‘Use Me’. Their new single ‘Escape’ is an incredible insight to what’s to come for Fever Pitch.

“This song was two separate songs that we combined out of frustration more than anything else. We had the first two choruses and verses as their own thing without an idea for a bridge. Where the beatswitch happens, that whole section was its own song as well. One prac we were just jamming the first half of the song and seeing if we’d get some sort of inspiration on where to go from there, when all of a sudden I just started playing that arpeggio that you hear once the beat switches. Then the rest of the song fell into place from there.”
Marcus, Fever Pitch