TILD return for 2021 with upfront new single ‘Change’

Putting 2020 in the rearview, Sydney’s TILD return with new music for a new year in the fittingly titled ‘Change’

The band, who have become favourites on the Sydney scene for their tight grasp on grunge and rock sounds, dive deeper on their new track; fusing ‘90s melancholic grunge with fresh alt-rock attitudes.

Teaming up once more with Lachlan Mitchell (The Vines, The Jezabels), the band laid the track down at Sydney’s Parliament Studios. Driven by tight vocals, and strong production of well-paced and arranged guitars and rhythms, ‘Change’ is TILD at their finest.

A song about resistance to development and change, and the negative effects on one’s mental health and life as a result, ‘Change’ breathes new energy and edge into TILD’s growing catalogue.

“The writing of this song was one of the easiest yet. It’s really exciting to have a track come together so quickly. Musically, the song went to another level in the studio. Lachlan Mitchell had us messing around with different feedback and undertones. We created a whole track of noise and feedback that play subtly underneath the whole track, which we felt gave it an extra edge.”

Since their debut in 2019, TILD have been consistently building their sonic identity and crisp dynamic on the live front, supporting the likes of British India and The Dead Love early on in their career.

Such opportunities have laid the foundations for TILD to build upon their headliner quality and in the music fans have heard since early releases ‘Slowly’ and ‘Wolf’ put them on the board, TILD have proven they were just getting started. 

2020 saw the band release ‘Make Up’ and ‘Wasting Time’, bringing TILD to more attention and now with ‘Change’, they’re set to embrace their next phase.