Beehive PR is widely known for our work in the Music Publicity and Radio Plugging fields but throughout the years, we have also covered the wider realm of Entertainment Publicity.
Working with individual clients and large scale events and festivals, Beehive PR has been able to not only throw ourselves into the deep end of an exciting and thriving space of the publicity industry, but also learn and adapt our skills fostered through years of working Music PR.
Whether we are working with comedians like Darwin’s acclaimed Amy Hetherington, or handling the PR roll out behind the likes of the Grampians Music Festival, A WEEKEND In The Gardens or the Australian Women in Music Awards, we’re treating the campaign as we would any other. Just with some specific tweaks.
So – Entertainment PR. What is involved?
The Landscape
Entertainment PR means a publicist is looking at their campaign through a different lens. If we are working on a specific event or festival, the main aims are to generate attention surrounding said event/festival, help sell tickets, and ensure public awareness is locked and loaded.
Strategising and knowing your market and landscape heading into any Entertainment PR campaign is crucial. There are likely to be pockets of the entertainment industry that the music industry does not frequently cross over with. Publicists are still servicing the brief or pitch across multiple media sources simultaneously, however Entertainment PR requires the publicist to look at each outlet and potential contact with focus.
What fresh angles can a entertainment publicist take to help a comedian engage with an audience outside the usual comedy festival circles? How can a grassroots festival land coverage in broadsheet titles? These are the things our brains are constantly working through!
Widespread Engagement
Entertainment PR, just like Music PR, is about getting word and attention about the client’s art as widely spread as possible. Consistency in approach is key in any entertainment publicity campaign.
We work with our clients from the ground up in establishing realistic expectations, timelines for goal achievement and event roll out, and most importantly, knowing what the overall message is. In Entertainment PR, we are courting favour with potential festival punters. Audience members who may have never heard of you before, yet like the sound of your humour. Getting the key messaging right early on is incredibly important.
Working with our clients, we know how to figure out the scope of each one’s presence (established or emerging), and what can be achieved within the parameters of the campaign period.
Building A Reputation
Working an Entertainment Publicity campaign not only promotes your event or specific show, but a successful one will also ensure a solid reputation is either built or nurtured.
Across our Entertainment PR campaigns, we are striving to introduce new audiences to our clients’ brands. Like with Music PR campaigns, Entertainment PR is about continuing the client’s own story. Through working relationships with various media industry personnel, we’re able to build your reputation to the point where the next campaign flows with absolute ease.